Sunday, 2 March 2014

Meeting of 1 March 2014

The meeting point - Bread and Butter at Ponsonby Central - was a revelation to some of us.  With the fresh food market and all the eateries, it is definitely a place to go back too.

So what did we discuss...

Enid Blyton's Famous Five 

 We were all encouraged to read any one of the Famous Five - and an enjoyable read it was.  Some of the story and langauage may have been a little old fashioned, but the excitememnt of the adventure was very catchy.  We were impressed.

Dead End in Norvelt by Jack Gantos
The 2012 Newbery winner - it is surprising that it is available for a few dollars!  Some of the story is very fun, the obituaries are really cleverly written, and town history faccinating.  There were some distirbing parts such as the parents each trying to dominate the son.  A good read overall.